Sep 26, 2009

One Reason Restaurants Fail:

My wife and I were visiting some friends on the east side of town on Thursday, one of them is ill, so we just stopped by for a quick visit.
Instead of driving all the way back to our part of town, it was 5:00pm, to get dinner, we decided to stop at a local Mexican restaurant, they had a big banner outside that said lunch $4.99. Now I realize it's dinner time and restaurants charge more for dinner than lunch, although I don't understand why they do this Monday through Thursday.
We figured it would be about $2.00 more for the same dish. Wrong, it was twice the cost. There was no one in the restaurant eating, the only people there were the workers.
So we left and went to Denny's just down the street.
Now common sense would tell these people to either 1) Feed us at the lunch price and get some business, or 2) Have realistic dinner prices that coincide with a lunch price especially since you got a huge banner across the entire store front. Charging twice as much for dinner as lunch just pisses me off, and it's bad business. They will fail and probably never know why. The man could not understand why we left.
By the way, Denny's was cheaper than the Mexican restaurant lunch price. It's Mexican Food, it's plentiful here n Arizona, and it costs next to nothing to make, I know we make it at home.
P.S. - We are both retired and on a fixed income so money is important, not tight, but cautious spending is still a must!

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Sep 15, 2009

Obama Care Part 1, Why Congress will eventually pass this bill:

My neighbor and I were talking about Obama's Healthcare Plan, we both oppose it, but as Seniors we realize it will become law. We as a nation continue to brings things upon ourselves both as individuals and the system that enslaves us all. In this case, Healthcare.
Let me share a simple story of how screwed up the current healthcare system is.
My friend needs to see a cardiologist. His doctor says he had a minor stroke. His doctor is in with a group of other doctors and run by a group of administrators. His doctor tells him he needs to see this cardiologist soon as possible and that he will arrange an appointment. About 4 days go by and no phone call, so he calls his doctor's office to be told by the admin people they don't male appointments they wanted him to make his own.
Does anyone see the problem?
If your primary care physician allows a bunch of administrative people to make decisions on his behalf affecting you, this is why we have lawyers because it's a bad thing.
A call to a cardiologist from your primary care physician will get you an appointment pretty fast, especially when he says, this patient has had a minor stroke and another is probably imminent.
If you call to make your own appointment you will wait forever. So my friend called another doctor he found and his earliest appointment, even after informing the scheduling staff that he had a minor stoke, will take 6-weeks. He could be dead in six weeks.
The whole medical system, like the justice system is broken in this country.
What we need is a simple approach.
Patient Bill of Rights plus the ability to select any insurer from anywhere for our coverage just like we do with auto and home insurance.
But Obama knows this. His plan is to force all of us to go way beyond what is really needed and jam down our throats big government healthcare.
Hospitals, doctors, administrators, insurance companies, employers, and patients only have themselves to blame for all this!

Got a story, share it with us.
Post it here in the comments section.
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Sep 12, 2009

Using Corporate Chains versus Using a Local Company:

Home Team Pest Control.....
I was for years a user of Home Pest Control, owned by Centex Home Builders, for my insect control treatments.
They have gone through many changes over the years.
They charge $99.00 but only service you once every 3-months. They claim to be a full service company, but on more than one occasion, I have found this to be false.
For example they do not treat for snails.
They don't treat insects that infect trees.
So after a recent confrontation with these idiots, I fired there useless butts when they refused to treat two of my trees that where infected with an insect problem. I spoke to the office manager and he gave me the most lame set of excuses imaginable.
So in my frustration, after paying these assholes $99.00 I went to Home Depot; bought an all purpose but spray that attaches to your garden hose, along with googles, filter mask, and gloves. This cost me $45.00.
I then sprayed everything myself. It's been two weeks and I don't have one damn insect or bug.
I also proceeded to call several local insect control companies who informed me that they charge around $33.00 per treatment. Some spray monthly, some only when you call, none have a contract requirement for service. If you notice the price - $33.00 per month or treatment, while Centex Home Team is $99.00 per treatment but once every 3-moths – does that spell rip off to you?
When I complained to Home Team that their guy didn't spray or treat what I needed all I got was a bunch of lame excuses. I informed them that there are dozens of people out there just waiting to replace their sorry asses and provide me a service. There response was get one of them, so I am and I did.
The proof in this story is that national companies exist for profit not for service. When you can use a local company for your needs, especially anything in the service business.

Got a story, share it with us.
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Your comments, as always, are welcomed and appreciated.

Sep 6, 2009

Just when you think....

TV cannot get any worse, the idiots at these networks surprise you.
Last Thursday I wanted to watch the rerun of Fringe on Fox. As I started to watch the episode, on the screen where two pop-up Twitter page post from nitwits making comments about the series and episode.
Look TV creators, you have taken moron to a new level. No one wants to see this.
When you have a large screen TV like I do this especially enhances the size of this unwanted nonsense that can only be describe as utter bullshit.
Thank God for Hulu.
I shut the TV off, went to my computer and watched the A-Team.

Your comments, as always, are welcomed and appreciated.

P.S. - Note of thanks to The Blog Guy ( for all his Blog Tips. I just added Reactions to my Blog.

Sep 3, 2009

Tort Reform:

This is a real hot issue with the so-called Obama-care. Here is my take on 'Tort' reform, i.e. limiting the scope and money for lawyers in malpractice medical lawsuits .....
First the damn Trial Lawyers lobbyist group should be taken out and executed, they are a waste of human skin.
Saying that, lets look at the facts.
Fact 1 – Unnecessary lawsuits cause a serious rise in healthcare. Stupid legal actions should be eliminated in all cases and types of lawsuits. Lawyers, often referred to as ambulance chasers should have their licenses revoked.
Fact 2 – Only U.S. Citizens should be allowed to bring any civil action.
Fact 3 – Doctors are equally to blame. I know you're thinking WTF is this guy saying? When you are young your interaction with doctors for the most part is limited. However, as you start getting older this interaction becomes more frequent and regular. There is nothing worse than going to some damn doctor who constantly wants to send you for all kinds of test, and to other doctors. This is unnecessary healthcare and a cost burden. I frankly just tell my doctor you went to medical school and got a license now use it.
Fact 4 – If you have ever been hospitalized, which I have on several occasions, you get a rude awakening. First if I am at the ER all I want to see is an ER doctor, and I want him/her to contact my personal primary care physician (who knows me best). I don't want a bunch of idiot doctors on the hospital payroll coming into my room asking all kinds of questions. This is a gimmick by the hospital to increase your cost. So be advised hospitals are a big cost factor for unnecessary healthcare.
Fact 5 – Arrogant doctors who don't listen to their patients. These idiots who are bent on their way and not listening to you are a large contributing factor to rising healthcare and why lawyers have grounds for lawsuits. These doctors are everywhere. I suggest finding one who tailors their need to you.
Fact 6 – Lack of communication and poor record keeping by the medical profession. If you are seeing more than one doctor, insist that they communicate with one another. The biggest problem is that one doctor may prescribe a medication while another gives you something different for another ailment. ALL medications have side effects, so limit what you take. But what's worse is many prescriptions wont or do not interact with other forms of medication. This can cause real problems even death! Make sure your primary care physician has a complete copy of all your medical records including a copy of your Living Will if you have one.
Finally, I strongly suggest you keep a copy of all your medical history.

Your comments, as always, are welcomed and appreciated.