Jan 30, 2010
Who Really Cares ?
These idiot speeches have been given by Presidents for decades and for the most part are just another platform to affirm their political agenda. In the last 25-years or so it has even gotten worse and has shown how far out of touch with the voter politicians are.
People along with network news and analyst are all chattering about the recent win in Massachusetts with a Republican Senator. Again I say who cares?
We need to start over in America. Both political parties are so far out of touch with main stream America it's become an endless argument over which one can be the bigger idiot of the day!
If your reading this and think that a Republican win will change things and make your life better, you need to return to your bat cave. Neither party in Washington DC gives a hoot about you!
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Jan 16, 2010
Who Cares ?
Again America is asked to give, give, give.
This 'Save Haiti' is a bunch of crap.
Governments have to learn that America is not it's cash cow. But first we have to get rid of all the stupid politicians in Washington DC that just keep spending our tax dollars.
This idiot Obama has committed 100 Million Dollars to the Haiti effort, and he says this is just a start. We, Americans, all have to pay for this.
Screw these bastards, it's time we say No More, America is broke, help yourselves.
What's next, Mr. Obama, let the 500,000 homeless Haitians into America?
Wake up America you're being sold on the world auction block.
Don't agree, then asked yourself, where was the world when Katrina struck or any other serious disaster here in America? No one comes to help us! Think about it!
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