Jul 1, 2010

Dog Owners Endure Discrimination

As a dog owner in Arizona I can tell you that I hate cats. I hate cat owners. But most of all I hate these idiot politicians who allow cat owners to have Free Roaming law rights. In fact many states have free roaming laws for cats.
This clearly discriminates against us dog owners.
What is Free Roaming you ask?
Free roaming allows cats to wonder anywhere they want anytime they want. In other words cats don't have to be on a leash, they aren't required to be restricted to the owner's yard, home, or kept in a pen like the law requires for dog owners.
In fact cats are permitted to wonder around breeding like filthy rats, craping and peeing all over someone else's yard including destroying property.
If a dog did this the dog owner who be held liable, but not these damn cat owners.
Another issue is feral cats, these are non domesticated wild cats that wonder all over carrying diseases.
I say dog owners have had enough.
In today's modern world there are no excuses why any animal runs lose.
Put on an electronic collar this will confine your damn cat to your own yard perimeter.

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